Want to win $1,000 and have your film shared with millions? Enter the 2016 Adam ShortFilm contest and you could!
How to enter:
- Send an email with your mailing address to adam@designideas.net
- Design Ideas will send you FREE Doodles figurines to use in your film!
- Create a short film starring Adam (between 30 seconds and 7 minutes in length). The only requirement is that your film should feature Adam the Doodles man. Be creative - the possibilities are endless!
- Submit your film via email/file transfer along with a completed entry form by July 20, 2016 to adam@designideas.net.
*Entries should be submitted in one of the following formats: .MOV, .MPEG4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, WebM. - Finalists will be selected by a panel of judges from Design Ideas and posted on DI.net for public voting August 3-10, 2016. First, second, and third place winners will be announced on or before Monday, August 15, 2016.
Winners will receive the following prizes:
First Place: $1,000 USD (or equivalent)
Second Place: $350 USD (or equivalent)
Third Place: $200 USD (or equivalent)
Click here to see last year's winners and read the contest official fine print.